Friday, July 15, 2011

What has been the first Air Conditioning

!±8± What has been the first Air Conditioning

The air-conditioned first probably occurred when a cave man fell off a cliff, but here is a technical answer to the first discovered how to artificially keep a cool head.

Discovered in some way the air conditioning was the day when humanity has begun to suffer the effects of heat and humidity. The desire is to keep the air cool and fresh have been in us since the earliest times. At first it was for comfort. In warm, humid air, the human body losesexcessive amount of water needed. The ability to replace the fluid lost was a matter of life or death. The ancient civilizations developed some rudimentary air-conditioning systems. The Egyptians ran cold water through the walls of some of their homes. Another method is the placement of a tank with water in the path of incoming air filled. These systems were the first attempts at air conditioning for the sake of convenience, and were only the most wealthy.

TheBirth of modern air conditioning was in 1902. A young electrical engineer named Willis Haviland Carrier worked for a company called Buffalo Forge. He had tried to solve a problem Printing Company of Brooklyn. The problem was that the changes due to heat and humidity in the press room decorated in the paper. This has made the print color accuracy impossible. Makers realized that the solution to the problem of temperature and humidity control in the pressArea.

Carrier solution was used in a closed system evaporation and condensing unit, ammonia as a refrigerant. This system will soon be used raw in large part the same principles as modern air conditioners and completely solved the printing problem, maintaining a constant temperature and humidity in the work area. This new capability for flourishing in many other industries, profits before, during and after the production process. Film products, tobacco, meat and meat, medicine,and tissues were only some of these areas improved.

In 1915, Willis Carrier Carrier Engineering Company was founded with an initial investment of $ 35,000. The company has passed the five billion dollars in sales. However, the purpose of the company when they began, air conditioning for industrial purposes. In 1924 the first air conditioning, "comfort" air in the JL Hudson Department Store in Detroit, Michigan installed. The customer response to freshInside the store has been dramatic. Cinemas, including the famous Rivoli Theatre in New York were coming to realize the benefits of air conditioning. Customers flock to the theater to fight the summer heat cool.

Four years later, in 1928, Willis Carrier The Weatherman. This was the first air conditioner designed for the living. Sales started slowly, mainly because of the Depression and then World War II. In the boom years after the war began in the air-conditioningand has continued unabated to this day. Willis Carrier did not invent the first artificial means of cooling, air conditioning, but its base is the invention that is still used in today's world wide, and it deserves the title of inventor of air conditioning.

What has been the first Air Conditioning

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